BECOME A VOLUNTEERBethlehem Land Trust volunteers make a difference in their communities by helping protect open space, restoring habitat, and building and maintaining trails. Volunteering with us is a great way to get outside, meet new people, learn a lot, and join in the spirit and reward of doing important work. We can also use volunteers who can help in other ways. We need volunteers to help with our fundraisers, legal advice, grant writing and much more.
If you would like to volunteer, please indicate your interest by email and you will be contacted by one of our team leaders. The Bethlehem Land Trust P.O. Box 322 Bethlehem, CT 06751 |
The BLT has recently replaced two foot bridges on the Bellamy-Ferriday Preserve. Thanks to the donations of cedar posts from Bill and Lynn Baker. The cedar posts were used as the supports for the bridges show below.
Pictured here with the new footbridge is Bill Baker and Stuart Rabinowitz
The second footbridge was replaced with the help of two interns and board member Walter Brackett.