Bellamy-Ferriday House Garden, c. 1979
from left to right: Bob Ueberbacher Bernice Sherlock Pat Ueberbacher Margaret Langlois |
Neighbors & Friends,
A note from BLT’s president: IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR when every non-profit organization appeals for donations. We believe Bethlehem Land Trust stands out from the pack because what we do affects your community in so many ways. Forestland provides clean air, habitat for animals and birds, water filtration, soil health, erosion protection, and carbon sequestration. Wetlands retain water to reduce flooding and keep our water clean for drinking, cooking, and washing. Open space and farmland are vital for regional food security. We’re all about preserving and protecting your back yard. That’s why I ask you to renew your BLT membership or, if you haven’t yet joined us, to become a member, at $40 for an individual or $55 for a family. If you’re able, please consider a higher donation. I promise you our board of directors will always be sure your tax-deductible gift will be spent wisely. At our website you can support us quickly with a credit card, preferably, or Paypal and of course, you can send us a check. And it isn’t just your money we need. We’re an organization of volunteers. Whether to clear trails, run events, or help out in another way, we always need more volunteers. Do you love to get your hands dirty outdoors? Can you offer legal help? Are you knowledgeable about foundations that might be sources of funds for us? Are you bursting with energy and ideas? Let us know. Bethlehem needs you, and we’ll thank you. Stuart L. Rabinowitz, president 203-910-3836 [email protected] Please take this opportunity to make a donation or become a Bethlehem Land Trust member. |

Porch of the Bellamy-Ferriday House, c. 1979
from left to right:
Betty Getty
Margaret Langlois
Joe Stafford
Bernice Sherlock
Dan Carlinsky
from left to right:
Betty Getty
Margaret Langlois
Joe Stafford
Bernice Sherlock
Dan Carlinsky
Thank you for your support!